Posts by Paul

Myth Busting: Air Conditioning and Fresh Air

On Air
As temperatures continue to rise across the globe, there has been an increasing demand for air conditioning systems for optimal indoor comfort. Air conditioning is popular not only in commercial…

Global Reset? Create your own private Eden.

On Air
Global.Reset. What comes to mind when you read those 2 words? An apocalyptic event? Catastrophe? Or something less ominous? Perhaps the switch to renewable energy, cleaner air? You can see…

672,768,000 breaths.

On Air
The number of breaths an average human takes in their lifetime. Breathing – it comes naturally to most of us. It is vital for our survival. And yet it is…

Breaking the mould on mould!

Advice, On Air
Mould. What is it and does Poor Ventilation cause it? Mould fungi are almost always present in our environment, surviving for years undetected in the dry. When humidity and stale…